Friday, July 6, 2012


Much has occurred since I last posted to this Blog, not the least of which has been passage of the "Obomneycare Legislation" and it's judicial "ratification" by the Supreme Court. There are many kinks to work out in the implementation of healthcare reform as legislated by Congress, signed by the President, and upheld by the Supreme Court last week. Despite the contentious process that has brought us to this day, it is the opinion of this independent insurance agent that much good may come of this legislation. As the healthcare industry stabilizes, as the healthcare infrastructure modernizes and expands, as access to healthcare equalizes, as capital and discretionary income become available for economic growth and improved living standards, then the negatives propagandized by the Left Wing and Right Wing demagogues will fade into oblivion. On a personal note I underwent major cardiovascular surgery in April of 2011. This experience has been and continues to be a major change to my life. On the plus side I cannot say enough to express my love, admiration, and gratitude to the two hospitals, their physicians, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, and entire staffs, all of whom work so hard and with so much love, and who saved my life. "My cup runneth over...," thanks to the Love of God as granted to me through them. The impact of surgery and recovery on my personal and professional life has been great. My spiritual heart opens to the world more and more every day, as do my eyes and my ears. Even though I must now rebuild my fledgling business, like a bird fallen from it's nest learning to fly again, I do so with a greater sense of the realities of life that center so importantly on healthcare and so specifically on the importance of proper and appropriate health insurance. It is already summer 2012. The 2013-AEP (annual enrollment period) for Medicare is close enough now that insurance providers are now making 2013 training available. More on that next time I post, and for now, may the Good Lord shine His Countenance upon you, protect you, and infuse your soul with His Peace.